Friday, September 20, 2013

New Challenge Time at Jellypark Friends - The sentiment is the key

We had a bumper number of entries for our All about the Kids Challenge, thank you so much to everyone who linked up they really were a joy to see.
Without further ado I shall announce who our Top 3 are.
Drum roll please.........

#107 Vicky M
Congratulations ladies beautiful cards and scrapbook pages :o)

Please grab the Top 3 badge from the side bar and could Vicky choose a digital stamp from the Store (charity stamps and stamp sets not included) and drop us an email at:
admin(at) with your choice, we look forward to hearing from you :o)
On to our latest challenge and we have decided that it would be nice if sentiments took centre stage on the projects so this one is called "The sentiment is key".
We want to see your makes where the prominent feature is the sentiment. We have two new release images which would work perfectly for this theme.
The design team really stepped up to the challenge and created the most amazing cards.






The DT have really inspired me to use larger sentiments on my cards, I love the effect they have all achieved.

Now it's over to you, we can't wait to see what you link up.

Happy Crafting




Suze said...

Congrats to Vicky, Vicky and Vickie!

Crafting Vicky said...

LOL it was all about Vicky's for this week's top 3!!! So happy to be one of them Thank you so much I'm really happy to display the top 3 badge!!! Congrats to the other Vicky and Vickie! ;o)

Love the wonderful inspiration from the DT!!!!

Decosse's Dynamite Doodles said...

I just had to come over when I saw that this week's top 3 was like an ode to the Vicky/ie s. That is just too funny. Also congrats to my good friend Crafting Vicky!

Anonymous said...

Awesome, this was a absolutely superior post. In approach I'd like to address like this too - demography time and absolute accomplishment to accomplish a acceptable article... but what can I say... I adjourn alot and never assume to get something done.
poodle skirt

Kim said...

Love all of the DT inspiration. I really like all of the circle sentiment images!

Anonymous said...

thanks so much for a great challenge! Hope you can visit!

Cynthia said...

Fun challenge and great DT samples! Congrats to all three Vicky's for last week's win. Wow, what are the odds?!

DonnaMundinger said...

Beautiful work by the DT and congrats to the Vicki's from last week. Just had to use the fab freebie from the newsletter to kick off October. xxD

Bunny said...

It was funny to see 3 Vic's up there. Congrats to the winners.

Thanks for the challenge and the pretty DT creations.